This spring, thanks to a grant from Nevada Arts Council and
the National Endowment for the Arts, I had the opportunity to interview a
number of historians and cultural experts for my work-in-progress. It’s historical
novel set in the 1600s in Massachusetts. Creating that world, where people’s
knowledge and belief systems are so different from our own, feels a bit like
writing fantasy or sci-fi. I’m building a lot of the world from the ground up. Yes,
I can identify the trees, animals, and the weather. I’m pretty sure anger was
still ugly and that people wanted to be loved. But how did they feel about
themselves? Did they expect the same things we do? I’m convinced their views on
heaven, hell, and this earth in between were very, very different.
Of course, when an author creates a fictional character, we
are in charge of their wants and fears, their motives and reactions. But for
me, in writing a historical novel that children will use to augment their take
on history, I need to keep the milieu of that time and place authentic. I don’t
know if I’ve ever been quite as challenged by that as I am now. I’m trying to
create characters living 450 years ago – before we knew about infectious
diseases, electricity, or believed in equal rights. It was the time when
religion was so closely tied to politics and class that dividing the three, in
our modern way, is almost impossible and not very useful. The afterlife was not
just a promise but also a threat. Writings from that era seem distressingly
black and white. But I’m sure life itself was as messy and nuanced as it is
today. How to capture that?
The easy part of excising “presentism” from my writing, is
finding metaphors that can’t work – “An electric current ran up my arm,” for
example. Electricity had yet to be “discovered.” The harder part is making the
characters relatable to today’s readers while staying true to the history and without
making them seem stilted or ignorant. They were people of their times as are
we. If I can get that message across, that they had their own struggles and
found ways to deal with them, then I’ve succeeded. Wish me luck.
Good luck! Anachronistic similes can really be difficult to root out of one's writing. I once wrote a piece set in the middle stone age, and had to expunge someone following another character like a puppy (there weren't dogs yet) and the order of the day becoming unraveled (before weaving had been invented.)