The invasion of Normandy, commonly known as D-Day, happened
on June 6, 1944. Next month we commemorate the 72nd anniversary of a
battle in which 160,000 Allied troops landed along a 50-mile stretch of
heavily-fortified French coastline, to fight Nazi Germany.
D-DAY:The Invasion of Normandy, 1944 [The Young Readers Adaptation]
But what was it like for those living in Normandy when the allies invaded? To answer this question, I humbly suggest my own middle grade historical novel, Code: Elephants on the Moon. This novel follows Eponine Lambaol, a Breton girl living in a village in Normandy not for from the beaches. She despises the Nazis who occupy her town and longs for the days before severe food rationing. As rumors of an allied invasion swirl around her, Eponine begins to understand that nothing and no one is what it seems, and that the phrase ‘The moon is full of elephants,’ which she hears on the radio, is really a code for members of the underground resistance who are preparing for the invasion.
Like Kindle Countdown Deals?
The Kindle version of Code: Elephants on the Moon will be on sale for only .99 on Amazon from May 5 through May 12.
Jennifer Bohnhoff teaches New Mexico History at a middle
school in Albuquerque, New Mexico. She has written three historical novels for
middle grade readers, which are available in paperback and ebook from many
online book sellers. She also sells her paperbacks and offers free signed
bookplates through her website.
Here are five suggested books to help middle school students
understand this important historical event. Two are nonfiction, and three are
historical fiction.
D-DAY:The Invasion of Normandy, 1944 [The Young Readers Adaptation]
The Guns at Last Light
was the third book in Rick Atkinson’s #1 New York Times–bestselling adult trilogy
about World War II. Here is a portion of it, adapted for young readers. This
volume includes tons of period photos and does a good job of capturing the
events and the spirit of the day that led to the liberation of western Europe
from Nazi Germany's control. This is a great introduction to the battle, and
will give students the prior knowledge they will need to understand the context
of historical novels set in the period.
Remember D-Day: The Plan, the Invasion, Survivor Stories
This award-winning book was written in 2004 to honor the
60th anniversary of D-Day. Authored by Ronald Drez and published by National
Geographic, it includes lots of photos and maps and a good discussion on the
strategy used, the intelligence it was based upon, and the deceptions that led
up this turning point in the war.
Nonfiction books are great “birds-eye views” of D-Day. But historical
fiction is better at giving readers a “boots on the ground” view of how it felt
to be in the middle of the action.
Scholastic Press published a series of historical novels for
older boys called My Name Is America that did an excellent job on this. Each
book was written in the form of a journal of a fictional young man's life
during an important event or time period in American history. The series was
discontinued in 2004 but the books are still enjoyed by middle school boys.
The Journal of Scott
Pendleton Collins: A World War II Soldier, by renowned, award-winning author Walter
Dean Myers is the book in this series that focuses on the events leading up to
and during D-Day.
The main character, Private Scott Collins, is a
seventeen-year-old soldier from central Virginia. As his regiment takes part in
the D-Day invasion of Normandy and subsequent battles to liberate France, he records
his experiences in a journal. By the end of the book he is no longer the naive young
man who volunteered for war. The hardships and horror of battle have forever
changed him.
On a budget? Like e-books? Search the web for free downloads
of D-Day: A Second World War Soldier 1944, by Bryan Perrett. Part of the
million-selling MY STORY series that gives the past a human touch, D-DAY tells the story of Lieutenant Andy Pope
who finds himself in command when every other officer in his company is injured
while trying to cut off the Germans' line of retreat. This book is historically
accurate and filled with the kinds of details that make for Vivid images,
readers should love this first-hand account of danger and peril.
But what was it like for those living in Normandy when the allies invaded? To answer this question, I humbly suggest my own middle grade historical novel, Code: Elephants on the Moon. This novel follows Eponine Lambaol, a Breton girl living in a village in Normandy not for from the beaches. She despises the Nazis who occupy her town and longs for the days before severe food rationing. As rumors of an allied invasion swirl around her, Eponine begins to understand that nothing and no one is what it seems, and that the phrase ‘The moon is full of elephants,’ which she hears on the radio, is really a code for members of the underground resistance who are preparing for the invasion.
Like Kindle Countdown Deals?
The Kindle version of Code: Elephants on the Moon will be on sale for only .99 on Amazon from May 5 through May 12.

Interested in Code: Elephants on the Moon? Click here for more
information, including free CCSS teaching materials.
For pictures related to Normandy, Breton horses, and World War II, check out her Pinterest Page.
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Thank you for all your suggestions, Jennifer. You've checked these books for accuracy, and they sound great, all of them. There's a generation, girls as well as boys, who need to read books like these which will help them realise what Americans have achieved. Why it is sometimes necessary to go to war. Above all, why, despite mistakes made by the country's leaders, they should be proud to be Americans.